Blue diamond pattern with circles and squares and a southwestern vibe
Read MoreSouthwestern vibe, 2020

east hampton artist
Blue diamond pattern with circles and squares and a southwestern vibe
Read MoreAbstract Indigo, 2018, acrylic on paper, 14"x11"
Read MoreAutomatic Drawing, a free approach.
Read MoreAn artists process.
Read MoreEdited 11/10/20
With the end of summer activity more concentrated studio time for work is realized. Organizing the studio, archiving work on paper and paintings from my show 'The Nature Of' at The Quogue Library Gallery, which came down in early August. Cleaning and organizing is crucial to keep work fresh.
I've had some brief but clear visions in my head of where I wish to take my work. In those moments of clarity I jot notes that describe what I'm envisioning. I have habits and a way of making paintings that takes over so I really have to think when working not to approach the canvas the same way. I started a 24"x40" diptych today as a way of breaking ground into this new approach. It still looks like my old work…but its a good 'old' one.
Soon I will drive to Connecticut to collect the remaining six paintings from my show 'Real Abstract' which came down in early April. It will be good to have the work, one is sold and going to Boston in early September. From April to present there has been no action at Lillian August so it's time. As I have said the gallery in the Design Showroom where my work hangs is a great three room gallery separate form the showroom floor but none the less it is not a traditional gallery which makes sales difficult so this will be my last gig in such a space…for now. But gorgeous it was and it gave me the opportunity to see the large works hanging which was great.
In the spirit of trying new things this tape collage was a new idea for me back in late 2015.
This small gouache painting from 2015 was also a departure as I had been working mainly in oil for years and suddenly picked up water based paint. I have since explored acrylics and use frequently as well as watercolor when working small.
Edited 11/10/20.
I've been reading blogposts about search words and where and when to use so I have more of an understanding. Also the labeling of images with search words before even uploading to the site. Prior to this I would label my images the same as if I were sending them to a gallery or Rep.
More importantly, White Kitty has been hanging around the house and today he/she walked into the kitchen. I am very excited to have a kitty that I don't have to take care of but can feed a little, hopefully love and it will hunt the voles, moles and chipmonks of which there is no shortage.
Edited 11/13/20
Working abstractly can feel like throwing things in the air and seeing where it lands. The beginning of the process especially, then things happen and more deliberate decisions are made. I find this process very exciting and scary at the same time.
Explorations 1, 2016, watercolor on card stock, 7"x7"
In the past, I avoided letting my paintings look like a pattern. I have fond memories of my six years in the garment district. Today I embrace the possibility that the work may take on aspects of pattern.
Explorations 2, 2016, watercolor on card stock, 7"x7"
Explorations 3, Landscape, 2016, watercolor on card stock, 7"x7"
This last one immediately felt like a landscape. I like that approach to painting, the palette suggesting the subject.